
Psychotherapy Supervision


I am a BACP Senior Accredited Supervisor of Individuals and I have been supervising Counsellors and Psychotherapists for over twenty years who work, and have worked, in the contexts of Counsellor Training, HE/FE, the Third Sector, Education, and Private Practice. I also offer Consultative Supervision to Clinical Supervisors.

The theoretical framework that underpins my practice of Counselling supervision integrates insights from some integrative models (e.g. Carroll, 2001; Hawkins & Shohet, 2000; Page & Woskett, 2001) with the practice of Person-Centred Supervision (e.g. Bryant-Jefferies, 2005; Mearns, 1997; Merry, 2002; Tudor & Worral, 2004). I am very committed to my supervisees. This is a commitment which both challenges and supports the supervisees. I try to be appropriately congruent so that perceptions and insights can be revealed and used therapeutically. I aim to facilitate a non-judgemental and non-threatening supervisory relationship, for only then will the supervisee feel safe enough to take risks. I also aim to be empathic in order to facilitate a deep understanding and reference with the supervisee.

Hawkins & Shohet (2000) also describe an agenda for an effective supervisory relationship that underpins my work as a supervisor. Their seven-eyed ‘process model’ of supervision enables focus to be placed on the following:

  1. reflection on the content of the counselling session,
  2. exploration of the strategies and interventions used by the supervisee,
  3. exploration of the counselling process and relationship,
  4. focus on the therapist’s process,
  5. focus on the supervisory relationship,
  6. focus on the supervisor’s own process,
  7. focus on the wider (or organisational) context.

In my supervisory relationships, we move between these ‘modes’ as the process model gives a language to understanding both the process in our relationship, and the process in the counsellor/client relationship as it allows the emergence of the parallel process to be experienced and explored, which not only increases the level of disclosure and trust, but informs the counsellor/client work at quite a profound level. We are also able to explore how the counselling and the counsellor are affected by wider organisational issues which this model gives a voice to more than others. I am also therapeutically supportive of my supervisee, yet ethically responsible to the client. It is the service of the client’s well-being that is the primary reason that we meet regularly to ensure.


My fees are £75.00 per month for an hour-and-a-half session (or £50.00 per hour). Supervision is offered at premesis in Crewe or Chester, or by Skype (Skype address: drpeter.gubi).



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