Publications and Research:

Gubi, P.M. (Ed.) (2023).
Enriching Awareness and Practice in the Pastoral and Reflective Supervision of Clergy.
Lexington Books: London & New York.

Gubi, P.M. (2023).
From the Sanctuary: Spiritual Reflections from the Everyday.
University Press: Chester.

What Counsellors and Spiritual Directors Can Learn from Each Other: Ethical Practice, Training and Supervision.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.

Researching Lesser-Explored Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Karnac Books: London.

Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling: Journeying with Psyche and Soul.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.

Listening to Less-Heard Voices: Developing Counsellors’ Awareness.
Chester University Press: Chester.

Prayer in Counselling and Psychotherapy: Exploring a hidden meaningful dimension.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2023). Reflecting theologically in pastoral supervision. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed). Enriching Awareness and Practice in the Pastoral and Reflective Supervision of Clergy. Lexington Books: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2023). Prayer in pastoral supervision. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed). Enriching Awareness and Practice in the Pastoral and Reflective Supervision of Clergy. Lexington Books: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2023). Introduction. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed). Enriching Awareness and Practice in the Pastoral and Reflective Supervision of Clergy. Lexington Books: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2020). Introduction. In Gubi, P.M., Korris, J, & West, W. (2020). Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy: Offering pastoral supervision, well-being support and spiritual formation in community. Chester University Press: Chester.
Gubi, P.M. & Korris, J. (2020). Setting the scene. In Gubi, P.M., Korris, J, & West, W. (2020). Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy: Offering pastoral supervision, well-being support and spiritual formation in community. Chester University Press: Chester.
Gubi, P.M. & Korris, J. (2020). The benefits of Reflective Practice Groups for clergy support. In Gubi, P.M., Korris, J, & West, W. (2020). Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy: Offering pastoral supervision, well-being support and spiritual formation in community. Chester University Press: Chester.
Gubi, P.M. (2020). Thinking theologically about Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy. In Gubi, P.M., Korris, J, & West, W. (2020). Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy: Offering pastoral supervision, well-being support and spiritual formation in community. Chester University Press: Chester.
Gubi, P.M. (2020). Developing reflectivity and spiritual formation in Clergy training through Reflective Practice Groups. In Gubi, P.M., Korris, J, & West, W. (2020). Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy: Offering pastoral supervision, well-being support and spiritual formation in community. Chester University Press: Chester.
Gubi, P.M. (2020). The limitations of Reflective Practice Groups. In Gubi, P.M., Korris, J, & West, W. (2020). Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy: Offering pastoral supervision, well-being support and spiritual formation in community. Chester University Press: Chester.
Gubi, P.M. (2017). The use of Reflexive Practice Groups in spiritual development. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). What Counsellors and Spiritual Directors Can Learn from Each Other: Ethical Practice, Training and Supervision. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.Gubi, P.M. (2017). Using prayer in Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). What Counsellors and Spiritual Directors Can Learn from Each Other: Ethical Practice, Training and Supervision. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2017). Introduction. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). What Counsellors and Spiritual Directors Can Learn from Each Other: Ethical Practice, Training and Supervision. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. and Swinton, V. (2016). Introduction. In Gubi, P.M. and Swinton, V. Researching Lesser-Explored Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Karnac Books: London.
Gubi, P.M. (2015). Introduction. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). Listening to Less-Heard Voices: Developing Counsellors’ Awareness. Chester University Press: Chester.
Gubi, P.M. (2015). Introduction. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling: Journeying with Psyche and Soul. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2015). The Importance of Relationship. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling: Journeying with Psyche and Soul. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2015). Forgiveness. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling: Journeying with Psyche and Soul. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2015). Accompaniment through Grief. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling: Journeying with Psyche and Soul. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.
Goss, P.M and Gubi, P.M. (2015). Life-Span Development and Spiritual Needs. In Gubi, P.M. (Ed.). Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling: Journeying with Psyche and Soul. Jessica Kingsley Publishers: London & New York.
Gubi, P.M. (2014). Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment. In Nolan, G. & West, W. (Eds.). Exploring therapy, culture and spirituality: Developing therapeutic practice. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.
Gubi, P.M. (2012). Our lamb has conquered: What it has meant to follow him. In, Smith, L & Birtwhistle, L (Eds.) (2012) Children Growing-Up With Religion: Ten Narratives Explored. York Publishing Services: York.
Gubi, P.M. (2011). Integrating Prayer in Counselling. In West, W. (Ed.). Exploring Therapy, Spirituality and Healing. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke
Book Forewords
Gubi, P.M. (2012). Foreword to Harborne, L. (2012). Psychotherapy and Spiritual Direction: Two Languages, One Voice? United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy & Karnac Books, London.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
DOI: 10.1080/13674676.2023.2231365
Williams, S.A. & Gubi, P.M. (2023). The self-perceived impact of parental suicide in adolescence, of a father, on his daughter’s intimate, heterosexual relationships in adulthood. Journal of Illness, Crisis and Loss. DOI: 10.1177/10541373231186608
Gubi, P.M. & Mwenisongole, T.A. (2022). A small-scale evaluation of pastoral supervision in the Moravian Church (British Province). Journal of Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 25(2):197-206. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2022.2045924
Abbey, P. & Gubi, P.M. (2022). An exploration of how trainee counsellors, who have a Christian faith, experience the impact of person-centred counsellor training on their faith. Journal of Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. 21(4):331-348, https://doi.org/10.1080/14779757.2022.2028663
Devassia, J. & Gubi, P.M. (2022). An exploration of the differences and similarities between Counselling and Confession, as experienced by Counsellors who are, or have been, Catholic Priests. Journal of Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 25(3):263-275 DOI: 1080/13674676.2021.1999399
Gubi, P.M. (2020). Exploring the impact, value and limitations of Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy in a Church in Wales diocese. Journal of Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 23(5):415-426, DOI: 1080/13674676.2020.1789571
Hill, L. & Gubi, P.M. (2020). Factors that may continue to impact a mother’s emotional wellbeing once her child’s treatment for cancer has completed and their implications for ongoing support. Journal of Illness, Crisis and Loss. https://doi.org/10.1177/1054137320919916
Chapman, E. & Gubi, P.M. (2019). An exploration of the ways in which feelings of ‘maternal ambivalence’ affect some women. Journal of Illness, Crisis and Loss. org/10.1177/1054137319870289
Lee, K.A & Gubi, P.M. (2019). Breaking up with Jesus: a phenomenological exploration of the experience of deconversion from an Evangelical Christian faith to Atheism. Journal of Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 22(2): 171-184. DOI: 10.1080/13674676.2019.1623767
Gubi, P.M. (2019). Utilising Reflective Practice Groups as pedagogy in ordination training and theological development, Practical Theology, 12:4, 366-378, DOI: 1080/1756073X.2019.1609254
Bonsmann, C., Gubi, P.M. & Reeves, A. (2018). Performing in therapy: An aspect of clients’ dissatisfaction in the premature termination of therapy. Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 18(2): 80-91.
Pembroke, N., Coyle, S., Gear, J., Gubi, P.M., Kelly, E., Louw, D., McMillan, L., Niven, A., Thierfelder, C., Schmidt, W., & van den Berg, J.A. (2018). Toward A Structured, Tri-Domain Model Of Companioning In Christian Formation By Pastoral Agents In A Congregational Setting: A Preliminary Report On An International Research Project. Journal of Pastoral Care and Counselling. 72(2):104-115. DOI: 10.1177/1542305018765659.
Bonsmann, C. & Gubi, P.M. (2017). Clients’ experiences of premature termination of counselling and psychotherapy: Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 17(3): 149-159.
Fozard, E. & Gubi, P.M. (2017). An examination of the developmental impact of continuing destructive parental conflict on young adult children. Journal of Illness, Crisis and Loss. DOI: 10.1177/1054137317709581.
Gubi, P.M. (2017). Embracing reflexivity through Spiritually Reflexive Groups in the training and support of clergy. The Hinge: International Theological Dialog for the Moravian Church. 22(2): 2-23.
Gubi, P.M. (2017). Assessing the perceived limitations of Reflexive Groups for supporting Clergy in the Church of England. Journal of Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 19(7): 769-780. DOI:10.1080/13674676.2017.1279130
Gubi, P.M. (2016). Assessing the perceived value of Reflexive Groups for supporting Clergy in the Church of England. Journal of Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 19(4): 350-361. DOI: 10.1080/13674676.2016.1197194
Gubi, P.M. & Smart, H. (2016). Mental Health Chaplains: Practitioners’ perspectives on their value, purpose and function in the UK National Health Service. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 44(3): 289-296.
Gubi, P.M. & Smart, H. (2013). Motivational Factors in Mental Health Chaplains: Practitioners’ perspectives. Health & Social Care Chaplaincy Journal. 1(2): 149-164.
Gubi, P.M. & Marsden-Hughes, H. (2013). Exploring the processes involved in long-term recovery from chronic alcohol addiction within an abstinence-based model: Implications for practice. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research. 13(3): 201-209.
Gubi, P.M. (2012). Engaging with Research as Mission: Exploring Challenges and Process. The Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy. 12(2): 59-67.
Gubi, P.M. (2011). A Qualitative Exploration the Similarities and Differences between Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment. Practical Theology Journal. 4(3): 339-358.
Gubi, P.M. (2011). An exploration of the impact of small reflexive groups on personal and spiritual development. Practical Theology Journal. 4(1): 49-66e.
Gubi, P.M. (2009). A qualitative exploration into how the use of prayer in counselling and psychotherapy might be ethically problematic. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 9(2): 114-120.
Gubi, P.M. & Jacobs, R. (2009). Exploring the impact on counsellors of working with spiritually abused clients. Journal of Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 12(2): 191-204.
Gubi, P.M. (2007). Exploring the supervision experience of some mainstream counsellors who integrate prayer in counselling. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 7(2): 114-121.
Gubi, P.M. (2004). Surveying the extent of, and attitudes towards, the use of prayer as a spiritual intervention among British mainstream counsellors. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. 32 (4): 461-476.
Gubi, P.M. (2002). Practice behind closed doors: Challenging the taboo of prayer in mainstream counselling culture. The Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy. 2(2):97-104.
Gubi, P.M. (2001). An exploration of the use of Christian prayer in mainstream counselling. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. 29(4): 425-434.
Other Journal Publications
Gubi, P.M. (2022). The Church In, and After, Covid-19. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. March: ??
Gubi, P.M. (2021). The Introduction of Pastoral Supervision into the British province. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. January: 4.
Gubi, P.M. (2020). From the Sanctuary. A series of twelve monthly spiritual reflections. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland.
Gubi, P.M. (2019). From the Sanctuary. A series of twelve monthly spiritual reflections. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland.Gubi, P.M. (2018). Reaching a theological position on human sexuality through Heart Theology. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland.
Gubi, P.M. (2018). From the Sanctuary. A series of twelve monthly spiritual reflections. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland.
Gubi, P.M. (2017). From the Sanctuary. A series of twelve monthly spiritual reflections. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland.
Gubi, P.M. (2017). Reclaiming the spiritual in Reflective Practice Groups for Clergy. Thresholds. The Journal of BACP Spirituality Division. Summer: 23-27.
Gubi, P.M. (2016). Developing Heart Theology through ‘Banden’ today. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. December: 138.
Gubi, P.M. (2016). Developing Heart Theology historically through ‘Banden’. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. November: 129.
Gubi, P.M. (2016). Engaging in Heart Theology as Moravians. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. October: 115.
Gubi, P.M. (2016). Pastoral supervision for clergy and pastoral workers: A personal perspective. Thresholds: The Journal of BACP Spirituality Division. Summer: 14-17.
Gubi, P.M. & Korris, J. (2015). Supporting Church of England clergy through the provision of Reflective Practice Groups. Thresholds: The Journal of BACP Spirituality Division. Winter: 20-24.
Gubi, P.M. (2014). British representation at the European Continental Provincial Synod 2014. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. September: 102.
Gubi, P.M. (2014). Forgiveness. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. June: 67.
Gubi, P.M. (2013). Crossing the Threshold. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. January: 1.
Gubi, P.M. (2012). How important or necessary is forgiveness? Pastoral Care News. Issue 25. A Willows Counselling Service Publication: Swindon.
Singh, J. & Gubi, P.M. (2012). Exploring the potential impact of Sikh faith on the therapeutic process. Thresholds: Journal of the Association of Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling. Winter: 22-26
Gubi, P.M. (2012). Counselling & Spiritual Accompaniment: The same, but distinct. Thresholds: Journal of the Association of Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling. Summer: 18-25
Gubi, P.M. (2011). Why remember? Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. November: 121.
Gubi, P.M. (2010). Forgiveness in Counselling: Is it a Christian imperative? Thresholds: Journal of the Association of Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling. Winter: 9-14.
Gubi, P.M. (2009). ‘Using prayer in Counselling: Exploring good practice for Christian Counsellors’. Accord: Journal for the Association of Christian Counsellors. 63: 14-20.
Gubi, P.M. (2009). ‘What is Spirituality: What is Spiritual Direction?’ in ‘Counselling and Spiritual Direction: Report of the APSCC Task and Finish Group, Part 1’. Thresholds: Journal of the Association of Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling. Summer: 18-20.
Gubi, P.M. (2009). ‘Why don’t (more) people come to Church?’ Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. August: 90-91
Gubi, P.M. (2008). ‘Topics in training: Spirituality’. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. 8(4): 30.
Gubi, P.M. (2007). Open Minds. Thresholds: Journal of the Association of Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling. Autumn: 20-23
Gubi, P.M. (2004). ‘Is God Calling?’ Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. July: 79.
Gubi, P.M. (2004). ‘Literalism or love?’ Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. May: 52.
Gubi, P.M. (2004). ‘Are you a Christian?’ Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. April: 44
Gubi, P.M. (2003). ‘Love God, Love your neighbour… and don’t forget yourself.’ Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. April: 45.
Gubi, P.M. (2003). ‘Power or people?’ Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. March: 32.
Gubi, P.M. (2003). ‘God: missing - lost in action?’ Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. February: 16.
Gubi, P.M. (2003). ‘Father, forgive them…?’ Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. January: 8.
Gubi, P.M. (1999). Breaking the Barriers. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. May: 86-88.
Gubi, P.M. (1995). Children and Holy Communion. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. February: 30-31.
Gubi, P.M. (1993). The Microcosmic Christingle. Moravian Messenger: Official Journal of the Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland. February: 27.
Presentations, conferences, workshops, exhibitions, performances, etc
2022 ‘Mapping a path through the dragons – working with the therapeutic challenges posed by the Christian faith’. Keynote speaker delivered to the Continuing the Journey Conference, 26th May.
2022 ‘The Church in, and after, Covid-19’. Lecture delivered to University Road, Belfast and Kilwarlin Moravian Church conference, 15th January.
2021 ‘Working with our client’s faith in Counselling’. Lecture delivered to Anglican Pastoral Care, 24th September.
2021 ‘Reflecting theologically in Pastoral Supervision’. Online CPD workshop delivered via Zoom. 2nd October.
2021 ‘Reflecting theologically in Pastoral Supervision’. Online seminar delivered to APSE Regional Group (Midlands). 23rd March.
2019 ‘He who has ears, let him hear’. Paper delivered to the symposium on ‘Understanding conflict in Central Africa: Pathways to sustainable peace’. 18th September, University of Chester.
2019 Integrating Spirituality in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Workshop delivered to the University of Warwick, 23rd May.
2019 ‘Using prayer in Counselling’. Workshop delivered to Fountains Counselling Agency, 29th April.
2019 ‘Working with Issues of Spirituality in the Psychotherapeutic Journey’. Keynote address to the Division of Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Symposium, University of Central Lancashire, 8th March.
2018 ‘Supporting Clergy when a congregant’s personal call to ordained ministry is not recognised by the Church’. Research presentation given at the APSE Conference (International), 4th- 5th September 2018.
2018 ‘Let’s dance: The integration of psychotherapeutic and theological paradigms and resources in the service of another’s wellbeing’. Public Lecture given at the University of Chester, 1st May 2018.2016 ‘Bishops’ advisors’ perspectives on the benefits and limitations of Reflective Practice Groups for maintaining and supporting the psychological wellbeing of clergy’. Research paper presented at the BACP Research conference (International), 20th-21st May.
2015 ‘Spirituality’. Lecture given as part of the ‘Have you thought about…’ series of lectures open to the public as part of Chester University’s 175 years celebration, Department of Social and Political Science, April.
2015 ‘Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment’. Keynote speech to the Waverley Abbey College Alumni Continuing Professional Day, June.
2015 ‘Forgiveness’. Keynote speech to the Chester Counselling Society, University of Chester, February.
2014 ‘Prayer in Counselling’. Invited workshop facilitated at the ‘Continuing the Journey Conference’, Swanwick, Derbyshire, 28thApril.
2014 ‘Embracing the spirituality of Clients, Counsellors and Counselling’. Invited day-long workshop facilitated at South Cheshire College, Crewe, 15th March.
2012 ‘Thinking about Research as Mission’. Keynote speech to the Mental Health Chaplains Special Interest Group at the College of Health Care Chaplains Conference, Swanwick, Derbyshire, 12th September (by invitation)
2012 ‘The Impact of Counselling on Faith’. Workshop facilitated for ‘Continuing the Journey’ conference, 30th April-4th May (by invitation).
2012 ‘Reaching the Goal’. Workshop facilitation for the Renewal Committee of the Moravian Church, 15th April (by invitation).
2011 ‘Bringing light into the darkness: Exploring the relationship between Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment’. Lecture delivered to the Association of Pastoral and Spiritual Care and Counselling annual conference, 7th September (by invitation).
2011 ‘The similarities and differences between Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment’. Lecture delivered to the British and Irish Association for Practical Theology annual conference, 13th July (by invitation).
2011 ‘The Relationship between Counselling & Spiritual Accompaniment’. Lecture delivered to the Chester University Counselling Society, 24th February (by invitation).
2011 ‘Integrating prayer in counselling’. Presentation at ‘Exploring Therapy, Spirituality and Healing’ day-long seminar and book launch, 28th January, Manchester University (by invitation).
2011 ‘Life Span Development and Spirituality’. Two day-long workshop facilitated at Tabor Carmelite Retreat Centre, 21st & 22nd January (by invitation).
2010 ‘The ethical use of prayer’. Presentation to the Diocese of Bath & Wells Chaplains’ Day, 8th November (by invitation).
2010 ‘A creative exploration of how counselling affects the counsellor’s faith’. A day-long workshop facilitated for the Chester Diocesan Counselling Service, 19th March (by invitation).
2009 ‘Does prayer have a place in the counselling relationship?’ Day-long workshop facilitated at Tabor Carmelite Retreat Centre, 7th November (by invitation).
2009 'Listening through prayer’. Presentation to the Renewal Committee of the Moravian Church, 3rd October (by invitation)
2009 ‘Integrating Prayer and Counselling.’ Day-long workshop facilitated for Ffynnon PPD, Glyndwr University, Wrexham, 6th June (by invitation).
2009 ‘Why don’t more people go to Church?’ Presentation to the Renewal Committee of the Moravian Church, 2nd May (by invitation)
2009 Love yourself as you love your neighbour: Reclaiming the divine within’. Day-long workshop facilitated at Tabor Carmelite Retreat Centre, 28th February (by invitation).
2009 ’Integrating prayer in counselling’. Paper presented to the annual conference of the Association of Christian Counsellors (by invitation) (international); 30th Jan – 1st Feb.
2007 ‘Integrating prayer and counselling’. Paper presented to ‘Making sense of Spirituality’ research conference (International). University of Hull.
2007 ‘How do we communicate an openness to our clients’ spirituality as counsellors?’ Keynote speech to 1st Annual ‘Spiritual and Counselling – a meeting place’ conference: Whaley Bridge, 7th July (by invitation).
2003 ‘Integrating prayer and counselling: Considerations for good practice’. Paper presented to CPD workshop on Spirituality & Counselling, University of Manchester, 29th October (by invitation).
2002 ‘Practice behind closed doors: Challenging the taboo of prayer in mainstream counselling culture’. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (International), Santa Barbara, California, USA.
2000 ‘Prayer and Psychotherapy – an exploration of the therapeutic nature of Christian prayer and its possible use with Christian clients in secular psychotherapy’. Paper presented to the 6th Annual BACP Research Conference (International), University of Manchester.