Congregation Ministry
Whilst I regard all of my life and work as my Calling, I am an ordained Minister (Presbyter) in the Moravian Church and have exercised congregational ministry over the past ten years. In that time, I have served three congregations - Lower Wyke and Wellhouse Moravian Churches in West Yorkshire, as a stipendiary Minister for two years, and Dukinfield Moravian Church in Cheshire, as a non-stipendiary Minister, for eight years.

During my time in Ministry, I have attempted to hold a balance between honouring tradition and suggesting change. Some re-ordering of the Churches that I have served has been implemented, and some strategies for growth have been embraced. There has also been 'failure', but Ministry is not about initiatives and numerical growth - but about being with, and working with, God in the world. I have also introduced the inclusion of technology in some worship and I am as 'at home' with some more comtemporary styles of worship as I am with traditional liturgy and choral traditions. It has sometimes been a difficult and challenging journey, but one that is also filled with many joys and a genuine sense of privilege. It has been a journey of many highs along with some deep spiritual lows, but mostly enjoy I my ministry and I have always been fortunate to work alongside some amazing and highly committed Church members who have taken leadership in developing some beneficial projects in the local community (e.g. a Hamper Project; Dementia Warriors; establishing a community Church garden; quiet reflective mid-week meditative worship).
Within the British Province of the Moravian Church, I also serve on the Church Service Committee (currently I am elected as Chair/Convenor), which advises the Provincial Elders’ Conference on matters of selection, training and support for ordained ministry, and the training and support of Church Workers, both paid, retired and voluntary. I also serve as the provincial Co-ordinator of Pastoral Supervision. I have previously served the British Province on the provincial Renewal Committee and the Social Responsibility Committee, and I was an approved Lay Preacher for many years before being accepted for training for ordained ministry.
I bring all of the insight gained from these experience to my Pastoral Supervision of Clergy.