
Congregation Ministry

Whilst I regard all of my life and work as my Calling, I am an ordained Minister (Presbyter) in the Moravian Church and have exercised congregational ministry over the past ten years. In that time, I have served three congregations - Lower Wyke and Wellhouse Moravian Churches in West Yorkshire, as a stipendiary Minister for two years, and Dukinfield Moravian Church in Cheshire, as a non-stipendiary Minister, for eight years.

In the Moravian Church, ministry is collaborative and democratic. There is shared collective leadership with the Church Committee, which is accountable to the Congregation Council, and ultimately to the Provincial Elders’ Conference (the Management Board of the British Province) and to the Synod of the British Province. Leadership is exercised with a pastoral sensitivity, and the Minister has no more votes to implement change than any other member of the congregation, although the Minister clearly is an influential voice which needs to be carefully monitored.

During my time in Ministry, I have attempted to hold a balance between honouring tradition and suggesting change. Some re-ordering of the Churches that I have served has been implemented, and some strategies for growth have been embraced. There has also been 'failure', but Ministry is not about initiatives and numerical growth - but about being with, and working with, God in the world. I have also introduced the inclusion of technology in some worship and I am as 'at home' with some more comtemporary styles of worship as I am with traditional liturgy and choral traditions. It has sometimes been a difficult and challenging journey, but one that is also filled with many joys and a genuine sense of privilege. It has been a journey of many highs along with some deep spiritual lows, but mostly enjoy I my ministry and I have always been fortunate to work alongside some amazing and highly committed Church members who have taken leadership in developing some beneficial projects in the local community (e.g. a Hamper Project; Dementia Warriors; establishing a community Church garden; quiet reflective mid-week meditative worship).

Within the British Province of the Moravian Church, I also serve on the Church Service Committee (currently I am elected as Chair/Convenor), which advises the Provincial Elders’ Conference on matters of selection, training and support for ordained ministry, and the training and support of Church Workers, both paid, retired and voluntary. I also serve as the provincial Co-ordinator of Pastoral Supervision. I have previously served the British Province on the provincial Renewal Committee and the Social Responsibility Committee, and I was an approved Lay Preacher for many years before being accepted for training for ordained ministry.

I bring all of the insight gained from these experience to my Pastoral Supervision of Clergy.

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